Road leading to the Keller farm where the story begins and ends. The mysterious light seen by Joe Keller traveled down this road and passed over the farm house.
Keller farm house. It still stands in Phillips, WI.
Window from which Joe Keller observed the strange light coming down the road, lift up from the road and then pass over the house.
Pictured above is the farm that once stood on the Keller farm.
All that remains now is the concrete silo.
The picture above is from the town of Kennan.
Main Street was once a thriving center of this small community.
Railroad that ran through Kennan. Now it sits as a silent reminder of the once bustling community.
Church in the town of Kennan.
A rocky portion of the Jump River is shown above. It is a reminder of the large rocks and boulders deposited by the glaciers that passed over this area.